Thursday 19 February 2015

Don't Share That.

By now we know all about specific makeup items you should never share with your friends, but swapping products extends far beyond your fave lipstick and mascara wand.

While it may be hard to say “no” to your fellow beauty-loving friend, the risks that come along with swapping these essentials far outweighs the rewards.

Applicators: Brushes, sponges, wands, oh my! Any kind of applicator or beauty tool that comes in direct contact with your skin, eyes or lips should be dubbed solely yours, as they can become a source of infections.
This includes your lash curler, lip gloss wand, liner smudging tool and beauty blender, ladies!

Mani/Pedi Tools: Sharing your nail buffer, file or clipper may seem harmless, but if you accidentally clip your skin, you and your friends are now entering nail fungus territory…yikes!

Hair Brush: Taming your strands with anyone else’s hairbrush puts you at risk for catching critters! That’s right — lice isn’t just a childhood issue, so the next time your have an updo party, BYOB (bring your own brush)!

All Eye Makeup: Seriously, all of it. Your eyeliner, mascara and even shadows can all put you at risk of bacteria or (the VERY contagious) conjunctivitis … aka pinkeye! aka apollo. Even if you don’t physically see the virus, that doesn’t mean it  is not brewing.


  1. Especially lip gloss o, seriously I used to get lip boils in secondary school. That's how I learnt, anyways I don't know bout brushes before. Thanks

  2. True talk.... I've seen girls sharing other personal effects like brassieres. This is very unhygienic

  3. Great insights. Thanks a lot. I really don't like sharing personal hygiene things.
